Encabezados y saludos en un correo electrónico en inglés

What Is an Email Header?

An email header is a code snippet that consists of essential details to authenticate an email message. It precedes the email body and also contains information about the sender and recipient.

An email header is the to, from, date, and subject section that precedes an email body,


  • To: James Harrison
  • From: Mathew Sullivan
  • Date: 23rd October 2022
  • Subject: Reservation of 2 double rooms for 25th-26th Oct

The opening salutation

Dear Sir or Madam (Estimado señor o señora)

If we do not know the name of the person we are writing to, we should use this salutation. Nevertheless it is advisable to try to discover the name of the person we are going to address the email or letter- We must be careful not to write colon (:) after the salutation, as we do in Spanish, but a coma(,). And even though there is a coma after the salutation, the first word of the email/letter must always start with a capital letter.

  • Dear George, (Esimado Jorge,)
  • Dear Mr Smith, (Estimado Sr. Smith,) Dear Ms Smith, (Estimada Sra. / Srta. Smith,)

The closing salutation